Visual identity
Web design
UX/UI design
Print design, Graphic design, Brand creating
Site, Landing page, Online store, Animation
Design sistem, CJM, User research
What I do?
Baikal State University
Wonderland school
Digital business school
Finance and credit (2010-2015)
Graphic design, Corporate identity
Brand managment
Digital Marketing
Web design, Graphic design, UX/UI
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Figma Readymag Tilda Miro Marquiz Creatium
I work in programs:
Hi, my name is Tatyana.
I'm designer living in Moscow with experience in Web Design and Graphic Design.
I have higher education in economic and secondary in marketing, I worked from 2021 as a web designer and from 2023 as a graphic designer. I approach my work comprehensively. I make designs based on the brand’s DNA, I study the strengths of the brand, I think about how the brand can increase sales, I love unusual packaging and work with printing.
I'm here to help you express your brand's personality through design.
Hi, my name is Tatyana.
I'm designer living in Moscow with experience in Web Design and Graphic Design.
I have higher education in economic and secondary in marketing, I worked from 2021 as a web designer and from 2023 as a graphic designer. I approach my work comprehensively. I make designs based on the brand’s DNA, I study the strengths of the brand, I think about how the brand can increase sales, I love unusual packaging and work with printing.
I'm here to help you express your brand's personality through design.
(STEP 03)
We meet in person or online to discuss your project in detail. The main goal is to find out your brand's unique characteristics and to make sure we see it the same way.
I sum up everything that we have discussed after the meeting. I send the estimate, we sign the contract. If we are good to go, I start creating your brand's identity. The work ususally takes ~ 12 business days.
This is the most exсiting part. We meet for the presentation of the project, discuss it and amend what's needed. Your opinion is everything, but keep in mind that we have only 3 attempts to redo the project.
After everything is approved and signed off, I send you the final PDF-presentation with all the technical details for manufacturing your newly designed products.
(STEP 04)
(STEP 01)
(STEP 02)
Latest project

Музей Христианской Культуры

В фирменной стилистике не хотелось делать акцент на христианстве, так как сильной отсылкой к этому является знак хризма, знак по желанию заказчиков обязательно должен присутствовать в логотипе. Хотелось сделать ассоциацию с неким тайным сообществом.

Был взят за основу шрифт Anticva.
В логотипе используется фигурные скобки, с пропусками между ними, куда что-то нужно вставить но мы пока не знаем что. Это можно толковать как тайные знания, которые можно познать только зайдя внутрь, окунувшись в прошлое, тех времен когда зарождалась христианская культура.

В качестве графического приема использовалась Сакральная геометрия.

Brand identity for the Baguette BAKERY

Baguette a brand of high-quality baked goods,
a good example of the fact that premium doesn’t only come in dark colors. A friendly logo, "tasty" packaging, and a high level of service are what make the brand attractive. One of the graphic techniques is printing old newspapers on paper in silence.
Baking on “newspaper” looks aesthetically pleasing, besides, it is always interesting to read what they wrote about 100 years ago, for example.

Clothing brand

Brand 11 creates unique models that combine
aesthetics and comfort. These are bright and unusual things,
allowing you to stand out from the crowd and truly collect
stylish images.
"11 is my path to my dream, lifestyle and goal.
My mother always said: “the weirder, the more fashionable.” I partly follow this principle now.

Holiday Village Yolla
Holiday Village Yolla in Nordic style. The logo uses accent typography - runes, this gives a strong association with the Nordic style as well as with magical rituals, esotericism and mythology. For typing, a well-readable font in the same Nordic style was selected
Fast food USHA.
Лапшичная USHA. Выбрана крупная акцентная типографика, широкие буквы которые расплываются и лезут в разные стороны как лапша, местами даже выходя за рамки создавая правильную ассоциауию с брендом и повышая запоминаемость

Package design

Casa Loona is a
Casa Loona is a home textile brand.
Launched in March 2024 and plans to begin development according to the fashion industry strategy, launching capsule collections (kitchen and dining, bedroom, bathroom), and then moving on to seasonal collections, changing product colors depending on the seasons.
Positioning: classic textiles with a twist. This helps not to go into luxury and not be perceived as too expensive; due to the “zest” we simplify the perception a little in order to seem more friendly

home textile brand

Neuropsychologist Valentina Paevskaya
Valentina Paevskaya is a child neuropsychologist, in her work she draws up a “child development schedule” based on the characteristics of the brain.
The key idea of the project is a clear structure and relationship between motor skills and mental development; Specific instructions and operating diagrams are provided.
Key characteristics of Valentina as a person: #structuredness #clarity​#no boundaries #frankness​​#strong confidence​​#development and rapid growth
Lingerie Sasha's bra
Sasha’s bra is a new lingerie brand. The founder, Yulia, is a clothing designer, pays great attention to detail and is well acquainted with the lingerie market and all the features of the products from personal experience. In her products she pays maximum attention to design so that the underwear is comfortable for every woman."
Keys to Brand Expression:
A brand at the intersection of sexuality and comfort
self-care, confidence
expressing yourself through details
“Old fashion”
Furniture atelier Veevo
I wanted to reflect in the corporate style that the furniture is author's and unique.
Furniture as a piece of art.
Rounded shapes, the absence of any angularity, also with a reference to the feminine, soft, careful nature of the founders of the brand



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